Friday, December 27, 2019
The Weather - English Vocabulary in Examples
Here are words used to describe the weather from stormy days to beautiful sunny days on the beach. Words are categorized into different sections. Youll find example sentences for each word to help provide context for learning. Speaking about the weather is often considered important for small talk, and used to make predictions about the weather.à The Weather - Describing the Weather (Adjectives) The following are all words that are often used to describe the weather: breezy - Its very breezy today. I think its a northern wind.bright - They got married on a bright, sunny day in June.clear - Wait till the weather is clear to take a bike ride.cloudy - Some people prefer to hike when its cloudy rather than when its sunny.damp - I hate damp, cold days when I cant warm up.drizzly - The weather is rather drizzly today. You should take a rain jacket.dry - Next week will be hot and dry.dull - The weather is dull this week. I wish it would rain.foggy - The foggy bay can be dangerous if you arent careful.hazy - Its so hazy today that I cant see any of the mountains.rainy - The weather in Portland is often rainy.showery - Spring weather often features showery days followed by a few days of sunshine.snowy - If you are a skier, youll be happy to know that it will be snowy next week.stormy - The stormy weather put him into a foul mood.sunny - I want to go anywhere thats sunny and mild.wet - Winter is usually very wet in the Northwest.à The Weather - Nouns breeze - Theres a gentle breeze blowing - Do you see that cloud that looks like a cow?drizzle - When will this steady drizzle stop?!fog - Theres a thick fog on the bay this morning.hailstone - The hailstone broke the window.haze - The haze is very thick in the air today. Maybe theres a fire in the hills.lightning - The lightning frighted the children as it flashed.rain - We expect more than four inches of rain on Saturday.raindrop - The raindrop ran down her cheek.rainfall - The rainfall thundered on the roof.shower - We had quite a shower this morning. Im still wet!snow - Taking a walk in the snow is very peaceful.snowfall - The snowfall continued through the night.snowflake - Did you know that every snowflake is unique?storm - The storm raged for three days and left ten dead,sun - Without the sun, we have no life.sunshine - The sunshine shone through the window.thunder - The loud thunder could be heard for miles.wind - The wind blew 40 miles per hour. The Weather - The Temperature (Adjectives) chilly - Its very chilly this morning.cold - Take your jacket. Its cold out!freezingà - Im going to wear gloves as its - I like hot, lazy days on the beach.mild - Its best to go hiking in mild weather thats not too hot.scorching - Its scorching in the dessert. Be careful.warm - Its a beautiful, warm afternoon.à The Weather - Verbs glow - The sun glowed as it set in the west.freeze - The rain might freeze on the trees tonight.hail - It hailed so hard it looked like snow.pour - The rain poured for three days.rain - Its raining outside.shine - The sun shone through the trees.snow - It snowed three inches last night.à The Weather - Idioms As right as rain Everything is OK, or good in a situation / I feel as right as rain today. Itll be a good day.Be a breeze Be easy, no problems / Dont worry about the test. Itll be a breeze.à Be on cloud nine be extremely happy or even ecstatic /à He was on cloud nine after he met her.à Break the ice begin a conversation / Ill break the ice by introducing myself.The calm before the storm A period of uneasy stillness before something bad happens / It feels like the calm before the storm. I hope hes not too angry.Come rain or shine Something will happen despite any problems /à Were going to play baseball come rain or shine.à It never rains, but it pours Bad news or problems tend to come together in large groups / When you have problems it feels like it never rains, but it pours.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Race, Class, Gender - 2273 Words
Danielle Karkkainen Prof. Shaleen Seward SOC. 301, Race/Class/Gender Writing Assignment December 4, 2012 I am an American, says over 308,745,538 people in the United States this year (2010 Census Data.) These people originate from everywhere; America is a melting pot of culture, and that can unfortunately cause social inequalities to arise through the Matrix of Domination, a theory that mirrors the intersectionality of race, class, and gender, as coauthor of Race, Class, Gender, an Anthology Patricia Hill Collins claims (Andersen, and Collins xi-xiii.) These two terms give label to the commonplace phenomena of race, class, and gender work within a system of social relationships. The understanding of people from otherâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦We have a long way to go, as author Jeanne Theoharis proves in her article, I Hate It When People Treat Me Like a Fxxx-up the students of color in one school (as well, assumed in other schools) received unequal treatment, services, and materials because school officials believed the students did not care about their education. However, t he minority students kept a journal of how important their education was and the tolerance of the unfair treatment toward the minorities was exposed and corrected (Theoharis 409.) The idea that minorities, particularly African American, do not care about their education or are a problem population because of their race, and the typical disadvantages that come along with that is primitive. From the days of Harriet Tubman and slavery, to the powerful resolution of Rosa Parks, to the incredible civil rights acts in the 1960s, to the most wealthy woman in America being African American, black people have changed their face and the face of our history throughout time. African Americans have a type of double consciousness created by society. The majority (white people,) have created a belief shared amongst much of the black population on some kind of level. This perspective is that of an acceptance of a secondary race and not as worthy as Caucasians. The other perspective that may be what powers the young, black female in particular as aforementioned is that of strength andShow MoreRelatedRace, Class And Gender1032 Words à |à 5 Pages IN WHAT WAYS DO RACE, CLASS AND GENDER SHAPE PRACTICES AND EXPERIENCES IN PRISON? DRAW ON THEORIES AND EXAMPLES/CASE STUDIES TO SUPPORT YOUR CASE. OVERVIEW This essay will explore how race, class and gender shapes practices and experiences in prison. Firstly, a discussion of prison in general is necessary. In other words, what constitutes prisons, its aims and objectives and prison culture (Reeves, 2015). Currently there are 38,845 prisoners in Australia (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2016)Read MoreClass, Gender, And Race1083 Words à |à 5 PagesClass, Gender, and Race in To Kill A Mockingbird: Is Mayella Powerful? In the book ââ¬Å"To Kill A Mockingbirdâ⬠, Mayella Ewell is the conflict of the story. To challenge herself to see if she is powerful based on class, gender, and race. Mayella is powerful due to her race; however, she would not be powerful due to her class and gender. One might think she is powerful over all; however, she does not have power in the eyes of some readers. Proceeding on to see if Mayella has power in race. Mayella EwellRead MoreGender, Race, And Class957 Words à |à 4 Pagesafforded by primarily white, rich males. The media in the United States has made a lot of progress towards showing gender and racial equality on TV but America still has a long way to go. As of 2015 white men still have a patriarchal ranking in media compared to women and minorities. This essay will be discussing how intersectionality, such as gender, race, and class, play a key part in gender roles in TV media today. Luxury is the main focus in Volvo Cars USââ¬â¢ commercial for their new Volvo XC90; butRead MoreRace, Gender, And Class1501 Words à |à 7 Pages How did race, gender or class evolve in America in economic and social terms? Was race or class most important in shaping Colonial America and how do they interact today? Has the very idea of Class become almost synonymous with race (or ethnicity)? I would like to begin my research about immigration from what is was back in the day until modern times. Immigrants play such an important role in American History. People from different countries arrive to ââ¬Å"The New Worldâ⬠, searchingRead MoreRace, Class, And Gender2137 Words à |à 9 Pagesand be an enjoyable class to take. I had an idea of what the course would be about, but when I walked into the first class I was surprised how much the course would actually be covering in terms of race, class, and gender. Before taking Social Issues, I thought that the course would be exploring a broad range of social issues. My definition of social issues before the course was an issue that affected many individuals, not thinking specifically about race, class, and gender of all people. AfterRead MoreRace, Class, And Gender1976 Words à |à 8 PagesMany of the results from the interview varied not only based on race, class and gender, but also from individual to individual. No matter what race or gender you are, a friend or family member different from you can have the same opinions, or in this case, some of the same answers to general life questions. I believe that these interview questions should not just be based on the race, class, and gender, but also the individuals themselves. From these questions and answers, one can get a true senseRead MoreRace, Class And Gender2035 Words à |à 9 PagesFor this week the topics of our readings was Who Gets Ahead? Race, Class and Gender in Education. The readings focused on the inequalities that different groups face in our education system today. Some of the topics was how school classes create inequality, how activity participation plays a role in equality along with many other factors. A. Summary of Readings The Geography of Inequality For years people worked to desegregate schools so that every child no matter what color their skin was wouldRead More Race, Class and Gender1851 Words à |à 8 PagesThis is premised on the stance that the racial hierarchy, regardless of its dismissal, seems to continue to characterise socio-economic relations. stated that race remains a factor because it is deeply embedded within the subconscious, a discussion on this shall follow suit. McClintock (1992: 5) declared that ââ¬Å"race, class and gender are not distinct realms of experience existing in splendid isolation from each other. Rather they come into existence in and through relations to each other.â⬠MoreoverRead MoreRace Class and Gender1003 Words à |à 5 PagesWHAT ARE YOU TO DO WHEN LOOKING LIKE YOU DO IS NOT BEAUTIFUL? Beautiful. Everyone wants to look beautiful, but who determines what beautiful is? Being ugly is a problem that everyone fears. Getting under the knife on a surgical table is an answer to the problem. Eating an apple and only an apple, once a day is the other answer to the problem. The problem of not looking beautiful is slowly wiping out the naturally beautiful men and women. What are you to do when looking like you do, is not beautifulRead MoreRace, Class, Gender And Sexuality Essay953 Words à |à 4 Pagesdemonstrate how race, class, gender and sexuality make certain experiences different. Intersectionality is the overlapping of social categories such as race, class, gender and sexuality that leads to further discrimination against a certain individual or group. To take an intersectional approach to understand race, class, gender and sexuality, is to consider hardships not as a similar element for all individuals without regards to race, but instead consider where in a specific h ardship different races, genders
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Psychological Interventions in Mental Health Nursing
Question: Discuss about the Psychological Interventions in Mental Health Nursing. Answer: Introduction: Mood is the persistent status of internal feeling. Mood of the patient can be inquired by asking questions to the patient and patient expresses mood in their own words. As a result, mood is the subjective report of patients emotional status. Mood of the patient should be assessed over a period of few weeks and not the specific time point. This feeling can be unenthusiastic, depressed and low and other side it can be energized, elevated and out of control. There is also feeling of anger, irritation and nervous. Ellens mood is aggressive, elevated, labile or reactive, irritable (Finney et al., 2016; Nakash et al., 2015). Thought content: Thought content can be sad and angry. Person always thinking about certain things and difficult to come out of this thinking. Moreover, person not willing to share this thinking and personal beliefs with others. Person is always worried and scared about certain things. Person thinks detached from other people and removed from the society. Person thinks that other person or other group intend to harm. Person has hallucinations means false perceptions and illusions means misinterpreted perceptions. From inquiry and observations, it is evident that thought content of Ellen are lavish, teasing and fundamental sexual intimation (Nordgaard et al., 2013). Thought process: Thought process cannot be observed, however it can be inquired from the patient and inferred from the talk of the patient. Thought process can be linear, goal-directed, incidental, lateral, loose associations, confused, vague, racing, jamming, perseveration and neologisms. Thought process of Ellen is fluctuating and it is running from one thought to another. Ellen is confused about timings, however she is well oriented towards place and person. Also, Ellen is low in concentration (Nakash et al., 2015). Insight: Persons perceptive of mental condition can be explored by persons explanation of the problem and awareness of treatment or management alternatives. Persons insight of the mental condition can be understood by recognition of mental illness, agreement or disagreement to the treatment or management and identification of diseased condition like delusions and hallucinations. Insight of mentally ill patient is helpful in planning management of the condition. In case of Ellen, it is difficult to get insight of her condition. In her inquiry to get insight of her condition, Ellen mentioned that she doesnt have any mental health issue and she should stop medications. However, it has been observed that she has serious mental illness (Finney et al., 2016; Nordgaard et al., 2013). In current condition, Ellen can have two risks like social isolation and becoming violent. With the erratic behavior of Ellen, people are trying to distance themselves from Ellen. This social isolation can lead to the chronic diseases. Because in social isolation there is reduced mobility and psychological deprivation due to the diminished cognitive functioning. Due to social isolation family members and surrounding people in the society would not be willing to take care of Ellen. Moreover, caretaker from the external source may abuse Ellen both physically and mentally. As a result, her overall wellbeing would be affected (Metzl, MacLeish, 2015). It is evident that, Ellen became harsh with other customers I the club and exhibited her violent behavior. Persons like Ellen with florid psychotic thoughts, may get violent as compared to other persons. Psychoactive substances use is one of the reasons for the violent behavior of the people and in case of Ellen also it is applicable. Ellen has habit of cigarettes and brandy and at the time of caught by the police also she was intoxicated (WHO, 2012). Nursing care priority Nursing intervention Rational High-risk behaviors (Clinical) Nurse should administer sedative medication to Ellen. Nurse should administer haloperidol or risperidone for acute aggression. Nurse should administer Buspirone for chronic anxiety. These medications helps Ellen to calm down and her aggressive or high risk behavior would not affect other people or harm herself (Walker, 2015; Grahame, 2012). Activities of daily living (ADLs) (Functional) Nurse should assess Ellen for her daily activities by asking her few questions and by observing her daily activities. Based on the information nurse should plan for the daily activities of Ellen. Nurse should assist Ellen in her daily activities on particular time like cooking, eating, wearing clothes, toilet use, taking medication. Nurse should also make Ellen to sleep for sufficient length of time. Nurse should assist or remind Ellen to carry out daily activities on time because, Ellen is disoriented to time and she is incapable to perform her daily activities on time (Walker, 2015; Grahame, 2012). Refusal to take medicine (Satisfaction) Nurse should perform counseling of Ellen about medication use. Nurse should convince Ellen importance of medication. Nurse should encourage Ellen to take medicine on regular basis. Nurse should assure to Ellen that these medications are not going to harm her, rather these medicines would help her to come out of her mental condition and behavior. Ellen is refusing for consumption of medicine. Because she made strong belief that medication is not going to help her, rather it is going to harm her. In the scenario nurse should force her or convince her to take medicine and made her satisfied with the medicine (Walker, 2015; Grahame, 2012). Cost and use of resources (Financial) With the help of social worker, Nurse should try to convince her not to spend more money on unnecessary things. It is evident that Ellen left little fund and she may face scarcity of und for future treatment (Walker, 2015; Grahame, 2012) Attitudes and rights: Ellen should maintain very cardinal relations with the all the society members. She should listen, learn and act according to the suggestions of her family members, her physician and community health workers in her care and recovery process. From this communication she should understand what are the important and useful aspects for the wellbeing of herself, family members and community members. Ellen should change her mentality of being harsh to others and she should be kind to others. Ellen should respect and protects others rights and she should not think only of herself. Ellen should involve in all the social activities around her and she should try to influence others with her positive and creative attitude in cultural and professional activities. With this changed attitude, she would be well received by family and society members and her care would be taken in better way. This builds confidence in Ellen about her future and her future life leads to full of happiness and well-being ( References: Finney, G.R., Minagar, A., Heilman, K.M. (2016). Assessment of Mental Status. Neurologic Clinics, 34(1), 1-16. Grahame, S. (2012). Psychological Interventions In Mental Health Nursing. Open University press Metzl, J.M. MacLeish, K.T. (2015). Mental Illness, Mass Shootings, and the Politics of American Firearms. American Journal of Public Health, 105(2), 240249. Nakash, O., Nagar, M., Kanat-Maymon, Y. (2015). Clinical use of the DSM categorical diagnostic system during the mental health intake session. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 76(7), e862-9. Nordgaard, J., Sass, L.A., Parnas, J. (2013). The psychiatric interview: validity, structure, and subjectivity. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 263(4), 353-64. Recovery Principles. Retrieved from on 26.09.2016. Risks To Mental Health. Retrieved from. health/mhgap/risks to mental health EN 27 08 12.pdf on 26.09.2016. Walker, S. (2014). Psychosocial Interventions in Mental Health Nursing. SAGE Publications.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Philosophy - Davide Hume Essays - David Hume, Epistemologists
Philosophy - Davide Hume Hume's Life David Hume was the son of a minor Scottish landowner. His family wanted him to become a lawyer, but he felt an "insurmountable resistance to everything but philosophy and learning". Mr. Hume attended Edinburgh University, and in 1734 he moved to a French town called La Fleche to pursue philosophy. He later returned to Britain and began his literary career. As Hume built up his reputation, he gained more and more political power. Hume's Philosophy HUME'S WRITINGS In 1742, Hume wrote Essays Moral and Political. Then in 1748, he wrote An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding and An Enquiry Concerning the Principals of Morals. WORKS ON INTERNET: Go HERE for a list of electronically available works of hume. Go HERE For a bigger list. HUME'S BELIEFS Hume believed that all knowledge came from experience. He also believed that a person's experience's existed only in the person's mind. Hume believed that there was a world outside of human conscience, but he did not think this could be proved. Hume grouped perceptions and experiences into one of two categories: impressions and ideas. Ideas are memories of sensations claimed Hume, but impressions are the cause of the sensation. In other words, an impression is part of a temporary feeling, but an idea is the permanent impact of this feeling. Hume believed that ideas were just dull imitations of impressons. Hume also attacked the idea of casualty. This idea states that for all effects there is a cause. Hume said that even though the cause preceded the effect, there is no proof that the cause is responsible for the effect's occurence. Mr. Hume was a firm believer that the human mind invented nothing. Instead, he claimed, the human mind takes simple ideas, and turns them into complex ideas. A simple example of this is the idea of an angel. Angels are human figures with wings. What Hume claimed that an angel is formed of two simple ideas, the human figure and wings. A more complicated example of this is heaven. When we attempt to break down the concept of heaven into simple ideas, we are left with things such as pearly gates, angels, and golden palaces. But these are all complex ideas as well (pearls+gates, gold+palaces), so it could be said that heaven is a complex idea formed by other complex ideas. The complex ideas that form it, however, are all made up of simple ideas Hume, David (1711-1776), Scottish historian and philosopher, who influenced the development of skepticism and empiricism, two schools of philosophy. Born in Edinburgh, Hume was educated at the University of Edinburgh, which he entered at the age of 12. From 1734 to 1737 he wrote his most important philosophical work, A Treatise of Human Nature (3 volumes, published 1739-1740), which contains the essence of his thinking. In spite of its importance, this work was ignored by the public, probably because of its complex style. From 1762 to 1765 Hume served as secretary to the British ambassador in Paris. There he formed a friendship with French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau, which later dissolved after public denunciations between the two men. Hume's philosophical position was that reason and rational judgments are merely habitual associations of distinct sensations or experiences. In a revolutionary step, he rejected the basic idea of causation, maintaining that "reason can never show us the connexion of one object with another, tho' aided by experience, and the observation of their conjunction in all past instances." His arguments called into question the fundamental laws of science, which are based on the premise that one event necessarily causes another and predictably always will. According to Hume's philosophy, therefore, knowledge of matters of fact is impossible, although as a practical matter he freely acknowledged that people had to think in terms of cause and effect and had to assume the validity of their perceptions, or they would go mad. David Hume, who has been described as the most acute thinker in Britain in the eighteenth century, was born in Edinburgh. His intellectual powers were recognised with the publication of his Essays, Moral and Political in two volumes in 1741 and 1742. Employed as librarian to the Faculty of Advocates in Edinburgh,
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Volkswagen, Toyota, Nissan and Honda
Volkswagen, Toyota, Nissan and Honda The automotive industry produces and sells motor vehicles, which are goods. It is one of the highest revenue generating industries in the world.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Volkswagen, Toyota, Nissan and Honda specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Approximately 80.1 million cars were produced in 2011. The major industry players are Volkswagen, Toyota, Nissan and Honda. (OICA, 2012) Company background Audi is an automobile manufacturer based in Germany; it manufactures a wide range of vehicles. Volkswagen AG as a subsidiary owns Audi as a brand. The four rings in the Audis symbol represent the 1932 amalgamation of the four brands that formed the Auto-union AG. The four brands were The Saxon brands of Audi and Horch from Zwickau, Wanderer from Chemnitz and DKW from Zschopau (Audi, 2012). Toyota Motor Corporation is the manufacturer of Toyota Land cruiser S.U.V. Toyota has its headquarters in Toyota city, Aichi, Japan. Toyota deals in the automotive, robotics and financial services industries. It is the largest automaker in the industry. Toyota was founded in 1937 by Kiichiro Toyoda, and has grown on since the production of AA Sedan in 1936 to become the largest car manufacture in the world (Toyota, 2012). Product overview The sports utility vehicles are vehicles build on light truck chassis and are accompanied by a four-wheel drive for on and off road use.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Toyota land cruiser is a vehicle designed to meet off road needs and urban roads. It is also luxurious vehicles. This is evident as, it has a V8 engine, which enables it to have off-road capabilities. In addition, it is luxurious and can carry up to eight passengers. It has a $77,955 price tag (Toyota, 2012). Audi S.U.V A6 all road is a vehicle that is luxurious, and gives an off-road experienc e too, it is cheaper compared to the Toyota land cruiser S.U.V. Is offers more fuel economy as compared to the land cruiser as it has a $70,000 price tag (Audi, 2012) Strategic marketing Strategic marketing is the use of a companyââ¬â¢s strategic plans to market its products. It entails the company to identifying areas where a firm has a sustainable competitive edge over the other firms in the market and it use them as their marketing strategy. (Procto, 2000) Macro environmental forces These environmental forces are outside the organization. They affect industries as wells as individual organizations. The organization has little or no control over these forces. They include the following among others: politics, economics, social cultural factors, technology, Environment and the legal frameworks (Pride Farrell 2012). Micro environmental forces Microenvironment is the organizational environment. It comprises of the internalities of the organization that is the forces the organizat ion has some control over. They include among others, employees, Trade unions, local community, suppliers and customers (Pride Farrell 2012). SWOT analysis SWOT analysis is the analysis of strengths, weaknesses opportunities and threats a firm is facing. It involves looking at factors that are both within as well as outside the firm.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Volkswagen, Toyota, Nissan and Honda specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Strengths and weaknesses are factors that affect the organizations internal environment, while opportunities and threats affect the organizations external environment. An analysis of these factors is very important in formulating corporate strategic plan and the marketing and positioning plan for a product (Procto, 2000). Market segmentation Market segmentation is the subdividing of the market into distinct subsets of customers who are relatively homogeneous so that specific marketing mix strategies can be developed to secure each market (Pride Farrell 2012). Target markets Target markets are the markets in which a firm wants to sell its goods and services. The firm chooses the market segments it wants to operate in according to its abilities. This should be based on their current use, their potential for future growth, and competitorsââ¬â¢ strengths (Procto, 2000). Positioning strategy Positioning is the process by which a company establishes an image of its products in the minds of the customer relative to the image of the competitorsââ¬â¢ product offering. Positioning strategy are the strategies that the firm is using to position itself in the minds of their consumers (Procto, 2000).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Toyota S.U.V cruiser and Audi S.U.V A6 are positioned as premium class vehicles. They are sold to the upper end markets, where consumers want luxurious cars for off and on road use. Recommendations This is the section where the recommendations about the report recorded. In the recommendation section, the writer makes his recommendations based on the facts preset in the report. The recommendations give suggestion on possible solutions to what the report seeks to achieve (Bentley 2003). References Audi Worldwide Home. (n.d.). Audi of America Luxury Has Progressed . Retrieved from Bentley, T. J. (2003). Report writing in business: the effective communication of information (Repr. ed.). London: Elsevier. OICA. (n.d.). OICA . Retrieved from Pride, W. M., Ferrell, O. C. (2012). Marketing (2012 ed.). Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning. Proctor, T. (2000). Strategic Marketing An Introduction.. New York: Routledge. Toyota Motor Corporation g lobal website. (n.d.). Toyota Motor Corporation global
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Free Essays on Omelas
The Dystopia of Omelas ââ¬Å"The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelasâ⬠is a short story by Ursula K. Le Guin. Omelas is a place where joy and leisure reign, where there are few rules, no kings or slaves, and the citizens are safe and happy. All citizens save one; a child imprisoned in a small room in a basement. The child has no contact with anyone except for the few who are brought to see or feed the child. The citizensââ¬â¢ joy rest entirely on the fact this child suffers. Le Guin uses irony to show a utopian society can not exist. She portrays this through a naà ¯ve narrator, a child in misery, and the fact Omelas no longer exists. The narrator thinks Omelas is a great society. She describes it as joyous. The narrator states no ââ¬Å"droozâ⬠is necessary; the people celebrate a victory of life. She brags how happy the people of Omelas are, how the city is filled with ââ¬Å"grave master workmen, quiet, merry women [â⬠¦] chatting as they walked [â⬠¦] people [â⬠¦] dancing [â⬠¦and childrenââ¬â¢s] high calls rising like the swallowsââ¬â¢ crossing flights over the music and singingâ⬠(268). The narrator believes Omelas is a city where everyone wants to live. She is inclined to ââ¬Å"think that people from towns up and down the coast have been coming in to Omelasâ⬠(269) to join the joyous occasions. The innocent narrator knows this is all possible due to the childââ¬â¢s suffering. She explains the child must be there for the townsââ¬â¢ happiness, ââ¬Å"the beauty of their city, the tenderness of their friendships, the health of their children, the wisdom of their scholars, the skill of their makers, even the abundance of their harvest and the kindly weathers of their skies depend wholly on this childââ¬â¢s abominable miseryâ⬠(271). She sees nothing wrong with making a child suffer for the greater good of the community. She attempts to justify his misery for the sake of the perfect society. She does not understand a utopian society strives for t... Free Essays on Omelas Free Essays on Omelas The Dystopia of Omelas ââ¬Å"The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelasâ⬠is a short story by Ursula K. Le Guin. Omelas is a place where joy and leisure reign, where there are few rules, no kings or slaves, and the citizens are safe and happy. All citizens save one; a child imprisoned in a small room in a basement. The child has no contact with anyone except for the few who are brought to see or feed the child. The citizensââ¬â¢ joy rest entirely on the fact this child suffers. Le Guin uses irony to show a utopian society can not exist. She portrays this through a naà ¯ve narrator, a child in misery, and the fact Omelas no longer exists. The narrator thinks Omelas is a great society. She describes it as joyous. The narrator states no ââ¬Å"droozâ⬠is necessary; the people celebrate a victory of life. She brags how happy the people of Omelas are, how the city is filled with ââ¬Å"grave master workmen, quiet, merry women [â⬠¦] chatting as they walked [â⬠¦] people [â⬠¦] dancing [â⬠¦and childrenââ¬â¢s] high calls rising like the swallowsââ¬â¢ crossing flights over the music and singingâ⬠(268). The narrator believes Omelas is a city where everyone wants to live. She is inclined to ââ¬Å"think that people from towns up and down the coast have been coming in to Omelasâ⬠(269) to join the joyous occasions. The innocent narrator knows this is all possible due to the childââ¬â¢s suffering. She explains the child must be there for the townsââ¬â¢ happiness, ââ¬Å"the beauty of their city, the tenderness of their friendships, the health of their children, the wisdom of their scholars, the skill of their makers, even the abundance of their harvest and the kindly weathers of their skies depend wholly on this childââ¬â¢s abominable miseryâ⬠(271). She sees nothing wrong with making a child suffer for the greater good of the community. She attempts to justify his misery for the sake of the perfect society. She does not understand a utopian society strives for t...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Describing a situation where leadership was properly exemplified or Essay
Describing a situation where leadership was properly exemplified or not - Essay Example Ethical issues / Behavior The leadership style of Nelson Mandela is exemplified in the way he handled ethical issues that came his way. Mandela had a strong sense of what was right and what was wrong. He did not let societal prejudices and his former experiences determine how he handled things. He was a man of high ethics, and that is why he fought against the social injustices that were being meted out against South Africans. His belief in doing the right thing landed him in jail, but even this did not stop him from fighting for the rights of others (25). His ethical leadership is also seen in the way he handled the AIDS scourge in South Africa. While many leaders chose to not talk about the topic, Mandela took the bull by the horns. The death of his son that was caused by AIDS did not stop him from speaking about the disease and this not only helped reduce stigmatization of people suffering from the disease, it also helped create awareness (Limb 46). Political Perspective The leade rship qualities that Mandela possessed enabled him to steer a country torn apart by racial segregation to prosperity. He was a well loved figure among the African majority who had suffered a lot under the apartheid regimes. He could have used his power and his popularity to avenge himself and his people. However, he had the insight of a great leader, and so this is one path that he avoided. Instead, he decided to use his political clout to unite the people of South Africa. His political legacy speaks for itself. Though he had the power to ââ¬Ëpunishââ¬â¢ the whites in South Africa, he chose the path of humility and forgiveness (Boehmer 41). His decision to keep South Africa politically stable by avoiding any activities that could have given rise to racial tensions may have saved the nation from political turmoil. Many African leaders are known to hold on to power even when their time to give it up has come and gone. For Nelson Mandela, he did not hold onto power for longer tha n was necessary. He was ready to give others a chance to lead South Africa, even though he was still popular enough to continue being the president. It could be said that Mandela showed a level of political maturity that is very rare in the African continent. He paved the way for a peaceful transition of leadership and this put him up amongst the most respected politicians not only in Africa, but in the whole world as well. His exemplary political leadership is not only appreciated in South Africa, Mandela has proved to be a reliable and respectable statesman in his international missions (58). Economical Perspective When South Africa gained majority self rule in 1994, many pundits thought that the country would suffer economically. Their opinions were shaped mainly by what had occurred in many African countries where poor leadership had disintegrated the economy. However this was not to be during Mandelaââ¬â¢s tenure as president (Limb 87). He was a focused leader who did not le t little matters of perceived racial discrimination affect the way he run his country. This way he was able to retain the investments that had so far made South Africa the economic powerhouse it was. His leadership was also very clean and open, in that he did not condone any form of corruption. He was an honest individual and he led using an honesty policy (Boehmer 94). Social
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Spider Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Spider - Essay Example To date, 40,000 species of spiders have been recorded. It has been said that there might be thousands more which have yet to be discovered. These types have been found in all parts of the world except for Antarctica. According to Carl Alexander, author ofââ¬â¢ Spiders, volume 8 (1929)ââ¬â¢, the kingdom of spiders is Animalia, the phylum is Arthropoda, the class is Arachnida, and the order is Araneae. (8) According to James H. Emerton, author of ââ¬ËThe common spiders of United States (1961)ââ¬â¢, the most interesting types are mouse spider and black widow spider. Mouse spider is discovered first in Australia, is not harmful to human, and its bite is dry. The black widow spider is found around the world, has a large body, and excretes poison secretion that is harmful to human nerve (25). The scientific name given to the black widow spider is ââ¬ËLatrodectus Hesperusesââ¬â¢. This spider is mostly found in the United States, mainly, North America. The spider got its na me from the fact that the female spiders usually eat the male spiders after mating. This characteristic of the female black widow spider makes a male spider to approach the female carefully and gradually. In order to mate, the male spider would vibrate the female spiderââ¬â¢s web in a certain way so that the female recognizes it and allows it to mate with her. The male spiders are not as venomous as the females as their main purpose is to mate; hence, they spend their entire lifetime searching for mates and even stop feeding. The female black widow spider have been known to be quite venomous, however, it is not life threatening as it secretes only a small amount of poison when bites. The body structure of a female black widow spider and a male are very different. The females have a shiny black body which is relatively longer. Moreover, there is a red marking just below the abdomen. The females are poisonous than the males. The males, however, are almost half the size of females. They have longer and leaner legs and most of them have red and yellow marks at the back. Both males and females body is parted in two. Their jaws are strong which support poisonous fangs. They have a hard, long exoskeleton. According to Donald M. Tuttle and Edward W. Baker, authors of ââ¬ËSpider mites of the United Statesââ¬â¢, spiders have about six holes underneath their abdomen called eyes. The silk goes out from these holes to expose to the air, then, it converts to thread. Spiderââ¬â¢s female form its web from an extremely thin elastic silky thread. They use the glands that are in the lower part of their abdomen to form the web (34). According to Maggie Daley, author of ââ¬ËIllinois insects and spidersââ¬â¢, spiders have eight legs, eight eyes, and they do not have wings or chewing organs. Moreover, their bodies consist of two parts, the chest and the external part. The chest part is consists of the head with the brain and eyes, the stomach, legs and the mouth. T he external part consists of lungs, heart, liver, reproductive organs and the glands that play important role in producing the silk. (14) The black widow spider is further categorized into three main types, the Northern Black widow Spider, the Western Black Widow Spider and the Southern black Widow Spider. The Northern black widow is mostly found in the north east parts of USA and south east Canada. The Western Black Widow is mainly found in the western parts of USA, Canada and some parts of Mexico. Furthermore, the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Internet Library Research Essay Example for Free
Internet Library Research Essay The library is one of the best places wherein students can gather information for their assignments and researches. Libraries contain thousands of books that vary in subjects such as mathematics, sciences, arts, languages, and literature. In addition, it also provides students with other types of resources including periodicals, maps, CD-ROMs, and even the Internet. To say, therefore, that libraries are important in a studentââ¬â¢s life is an understatement. As such, schools should make sure that students have constant access to the libraries even while at home. The North Central University is one of the many schools in the country that offers online access to its library. Students are able to search for resources that they need to complete their works even while not at the campus. They can talk to a librarian if they wish to. They can refer to guides if they encounter difficulty in using the online library or if they are confused in the writing process and cannot finish their research. The best feature of the universityââ¬â¢s website is the abundance of resources it can provide for its students because of the numerous databases that it can access. The login page of the university is simple in that it does not require the students to search the page just to be able to log in properly. The login page also has options for first time users who have no account yet, for students who have forgotten their passphrase, and for those who need to reset their passphrases. An option to remember the user is also available on the page. The login button will take the student to the main page of the universityââ¬â¢s website, which is the Learner Portal. Here, the student will be able to view his or her messages, announcements, and important events through the calendar. The portal has links to several other features, which include the library, writing center, and university documents. Clicking on the link for the library will direct the student to the main page of the North Central University online library. There are several options available for students in this area. One can ask a librarian about the availability of certain books. Students can search multiple databases for scholarly references. There are also guides in which students can refer themselves to if they have a hard time writing their researches. To perform a search that will yield scholarly references, students must click the NCU databases link and select their choice of database from here. The databases include EBSCOhost, LexisNexis Academic, ProQuest, and Sage. The database chosen for this activity was ProQuest, and the topic that searched was ââ¬Å"ethical leadership in the 21st century. â⬠Before performing the search however, there was an instruction to select the option ââ¬Å"Database selectedâ⬠so that the students will have the opportunity to select only the databases that are relevant to the search. The pre-determined databases include Career and Technical Education, Dissertations and Theses, ProQuest Computing, ProQuest Education Journals, and Research Library. The results of the search yielded seven documents from which only three were relevant. Among these three, only two was able to give full access to the document. The subjects that these documents fell under include counseling, organization behavior, anthropology, business ethics, psychiatry, and information science. Of these, only two were relevant to the topic being searched. The chosen citation reviewed was the one with the latest date of publication entitled ââ¬Å"The Ethical Grounding to 21st Century Public Leadership. â⬠There was a little difficulty experienced while searching for the author link because the document was full-text PDF format, which does not contain any links to the author. This was resolved by clicking the option to view the abstract of the document where the authorââ¬â¢s name was hyperlinked to his other works. This particular document had two authors. Clicking the link for the first author (Niel R. Vance) gave five documents and only one was related to the original document because it discussed applied ethics. The second author (Brett V. Trani) did not have any other work aside from this document. Because there were only three relevant documents related to the search terms, another search was performed. This time, the word ââ¬Å"21stâ⬠was replaced with ââ¬Å"twenty first. â⬠This yielded five results, two of which were relevant. The ProQuest database is user oriented in that it provides a Help link for people to find ways to enhance their search process. At the beginning of the search, the Help option allows students to learn how to improve their search. Students will learn how to limit their searches or exclude other options to refine their search. This would lead to better results and would take the students less effort when searching for their resources. Another Help link is also available after a search is completed. This will teach students how to read and mark a document, cite the document properly, and filter or sort the results. The database can also suggest topics and publications that are related to the studentââ¬â¢s keywords. Overall, ProQuest excels in trying to provide scholarly and useful resources for the students of North Central University. The results were very relevant and close to the terms that were used to search the database. There were many helpful hints throughout the website for students to use so that they can experience the best while searching. These tips were also significant because the students are able to apply them in their papers, which would mean that they would commit fewer errors in their works. There was also an option for students to email a specific article if they want to share what they have found in their search. The references that the document used can also be viewed by the student to see if there are relevant information that can be used for his or her work. The experience provided new insights in performing searches. Although it was relatively easy, students need to know some tricks to yield better results like changing some keywords or using the suggested topics that the database provides. There is no doubt that technology has a big impact on everyoneââ¬â¢s lives nowadays. Educational institutions have to keep up with the changing of times to meet the needs of their students even if it means having to set up websites and online libraries, and acquiring huge databases for their students. Online libraries are important because this would provide students reliable sources for their papers. This is in contrast to Internet articles that are freely available on the World Wide Web but are sometimes misleading and are questionable in terms of the content and the authority of the person who wrote it. While not all that can be found on the Internet is unreliable, it is better for students to not take the risk, especially if it is their grades that are on the line. Only trusted information should be used when doing academic research papers unless otherwise indicated by professors and instructors. It is essential to mention that students need to learn how to distinguish reliable sources from those that cannot be trusted. They should learn how to distinguish if a website has the requirements for it to be considered reliable. References Bahaudin G Mujtaba, Carol Griffin, Cuneyt Oskal. (2004). Emerging Ethical Issues in Technology and Countermeasures for Management and Leadership Consideration in the Twenty First Centurys Competitive Environment of Global Interdependence. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 9(3), 34-55. Retrieved April 3, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1178660741). Kanungo, Rabindra N. (1998). Leadership in organizations: looking ahead to the 21st century. Canadian Psychology, 39(1/2), 71. Retrieved April 3, 2009, from ProQuest Psychology Journals database. (Document ID: 390882341). M. Fleckenstein, Mary Maury, S. M. Patrick Primeaux, Patricia Werhane. (2006). Ethical Leadership in 21st Century Corporate America. Journal of Business Ethics, 66(2-3), 145-146. Retrieved April 3, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1113480671). Neil R Vance, Brett V Trani. (2008). THE ETHICAL GROUNDING TO 21st CENTURY PUBLIC LEADERSHIP. International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, 11(3), 372-380. Retrieved April 3, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1536919851). Rost, Joseph C. (1995). Leadership: A discussion about ethics. Business Ethics Quarterly, 5(1), 129. Retrieved April 3, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 4596738). Vivienne Collinson. (2008). Leading by learning: new directions in the twenty-first century. Journal of Educational Administration, 46(4), 443-460. Retrieved April 3, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1506286921).
Friday, November 15, 2019
Jane Austens Emma - Rebel or Conformist? Essay -- Austen Emma Essays
Emma - Rebel or Conformist? à Near the town of Highbury, a village located in the eighteenth century English countryside, sits the estate of Hartfield where Emma Woodhouse resides with her health conscious father who finds fault with all of life's necessities. When Emma's governess and close comrade, Miss Taylor, marries Mr. Weston, an affluent neighbor, and moves to his nearby estate, sociable Emma is forced to find herself a new companion. Harriet Smith, a naive teen who lives at Mrs. Goddard's boarding school, though of a lower class due to her illegitimacy, seems desperately in need of Emma's management and counsel. Sure that she was the cause of the perfect match between Miss Taylor and Mr. Weston, Emma is determined to find an equally exceptional match for Harriet. The young rector, Mr. Elton, seems the perfect candidate for a future husband, and Emma sets out to match her new friend with the young clergyman. The imaginative Emma views Mr. Elton as falling deeply in love with Harriet and greatly encourages Harriet's feelings for him to inflame. When an old friend of Harriet's, Robert Martin, who is equal to her in social status, sends her a marriage proposal, Emma quickly discourages it and helps Harriet write the letter of refusal. Mr. Knightely, Emma's neighbor and close friend is greatly disappointed by this action and tells Emma that Harriet made a formidable mistake in refusing such an offer. Emma does not care for this response for in her eyes Mr. Elton's feelings for Harriet are blossoming beautifully and are quickly being reciprocated. On the eve of a dinner held at the Weston's estate, Harriet comes down with a cold and Emma is disappointed in Mr. Elton's lack of sympathy for the invalid. The sno... ...y were so rigid of structure that a person's respectability was tarnished if they broke one of the standards. Emma Woodhouse tries to defy some of these codes, but finds that it is much easier to live up to the standards society determines. Works Cited and Consulted Austen, Jane. Emma. Ed. Stephen M. Parrish. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 1993. Brown, Julia Prewitt. ââ¬Å"Civilization and the Contentment of Emma.â⬠Modern Critical Views: Jane Austen. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. 87-108. Johnson, Claudia L. ââ¬Å"ââ¬â¢Not at All What a Man Should Be!ââ¬â¢: Remaking English Manhood in Emma.â⬠Equivocal Beings: Politics, Gender, and Sentimentality in the 1790s. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1995. 191-203. Litz, A. Walton. "Limits of Freedom: Emma" Emma. 1972. Norton Critical ed. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company, 1993, 369-377
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Classroomââ¬â¢s learning environment Essay
1.1 Many things combine to create a classroomââ¬â¢s learning environment. This can be on an individual or environmental factor impacting positive or negative on learning, efficient or inefficient. Much of this depends on the plans you have in place to deal with situations that affect this environment. The list below looks at each of these things in order to help teachers better understand how to ensure that they are creating a positive learning environment for all students and eliminate negativity. Teacher Behaviors The first factor a teacher should set is his tone for the classroom setting. As a teacher you should be even-tempered, fair with your students, and have a rule enforcement that which will set a high standard for your classroom. Another example is, Are you humorous? Are you able to take a joke? Are you sarcastic? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? All of these and other personal characteristics will shine through in your classroom and affect the learning environment. Student Ownership The second factor is when displaying of essays, poems, projects, and exams dominate the walls, there is student ownership of the room. When they look around and see their own writing and thinking, or posters they certainly experience a higher level of comfort because they see that they as students created them. Classroom Setup The first environmental factor here is the room layout. A ââ¬Ë Horseshoeââ¬â¢ or ââ¬ËUââ¬â¢ shape environment allows eye contact with the teacher and participate amongst the students and room layout should not just be set up by the number of people required, but by the event. The key factors is where is the centre of attention. Do people need to interact with each other. Do you want people in groups without having to move them around. The teacher is able to move easily with learners, the students are able to the demonstration. However, interaction and teamwork are much easier in a learning environment where students sit together. Aspects of Aging on Learning Adult learners have already been partly educated through life experiences. Adults have more experiences, different kinds of experiences, and that these experiences are organized differently. . According to Knowles (1980), 1 adults derive much of their self- identity from their past experiences. In that respect, they are much different from youths who tend to view themselves largely from external sources. Because of this factor, adult learners place a great deal of value on their experiences and if they cannot use those experiences, or, if those experiences are rejected, it may feel similar to being rejected as an individual. Related to this is the fear of failure that an adult learner may bring to the classroom, particularly if this is a new environment where they might fear further rejection from their peer group (Kennedy, 2003) 2 or their teacher. 1.2 Create a positive learning environment Build self-esteem and self-efficacy Studentsââ¬â¢ determination and belief that they can achieve their goals are important factors in their persistence in ongoing learning. Adult learners may have negative feelings about themselves due to failure experienced in their lives, due to dropping out of school, losing a job, or not being able to read or write well enough to complete a job application or read to their children . Ensure that students experience success at their first meeting so the first experience is a positive one. It may be appropriate to start with material that is slightly below the studentââ¬â¢s level. Be patient! Patience is an extremely important characteristic for any teacher or tutor of adults. Adults can often take a longer time in the learning process because of various learning barriers, but this does not mean they arenââ¬â¢t motivated to learn. Accept your student as he/she is and respect his/her values even if they differ from yours. Believe in your student and he/she will begin to believe in him/herself. Memorize the names of all your students within the first week of instruction. Use studentsââ¬â¢ names frequently. If your students are English learners, learn a few key phrases in their native languages to model that it is acceptable to struggle with pronunciation and language learning Identified need A lesson plan is the teacherââ¬â¢s road map of what students need to learn and how it will be done effectively during the class time. Before you plan your lesson, you will first need to identify the learning objectives for the class meeting. Then, you can design appropriate learning activities and develop strategies to obtain feedback on student learning. A successful lesson plan addresses and integrates these three key components: Objectives for student learning Teaching/learning activities Strategies to check student understanding Specifying concrete for student learning will help you determine the kinds of teaching and learning activities you will use in class, while those activities will define how you will check whether the learning objectives have been met. Principles of adult learning The Manual of Learning Styles, by Peter Honey and Alan Mumford (1992). Provides an introduction to learning styles with advice on how to administer and interpret ââ¬ËThe Learning Styles Questionnaire. Learning styles can be influenced by past experiences, education, work and the learning situation. It is important to recognise that they are not fixed but may be adapted according to context and what is being learned. Nevertheless most people still favour one style of learning. Knowles identified the six principles of adult learning outlined below. Adults are internally motivated and self-directed Adults bring life experiences and knowledge to learning experiences Adults are goal oriented Adults are relevancy oriented Adults are practical Adult learners like to be respected Part of being an effective educator involves understanding how adults learnà best (Lieb,1991). Andragogy (adult learning) is a theory that holds a set of assumptions about how adults learn. Andragogy emphasises the value of the process of learning. It uses approaches to learning that are problem-based and collaborative rather than didactic, and also emphasises more equality between the teacher and learner. Andragogy as a study of adult learning originated in Europe in 1950ââ¬â¢s and was then pioneered as a theory and model of adult learning from the 1970ââ¬â¢s by Malcolm Knowles an American practitioner and theorist of adult education, who defined andragogy as ââ¬Å"the art and science of helping adults learnâ⬠(Zmeyov 1998; Fidishun 2000). Resource availability Equipment/Materials:Whiteboard, Smart board, PowerPoint, Flip chart, Laptop, Marker pens, OHP, previously created resources, and hand outs Appropriate assessment methods. Defining Formative and Summative Assessments The terms ââ¬Å"formativeâ⬠and ââ¬Å"summativeâ⬠do not have to be difficult, yet the definitions have become confusing in the past few years. This is especially true for formative assessment. In a balanced assessment system, both summative and formative assessments are an integral part of information gathering. Depend too much on one or the other and the reality of student achievement in your classroom becomes unclear. Steps for preparing a lesson plan Outlining learning objectives The first step is to determine what I needed the students to learn and be able to do at the end of class. To specify my objectives for student learning I questioned myself. Firstly what is the topic of the lesson? Secondly what do I want them to understand and be able to do at the end of class? Thirdly what do I want them to take away from this particular lesson? Managing class time and accomplishing the more important learning objectives in case I am pressed for time. I considered these questions. What are the most important concepts, ideas, or skills I want students to be able toà grasp and apply? Why are they important? If I ran out of time, which ones could not be omitted? And conversely, which ones could I skip if pressed for time? The second step is to develop the introduction in order of importance, using specific activities so that students can gain the knowledge and apply what they have learned. There will be a diverse body of students with different academic and personal experience, they may be already familiar with the topic. Presenting the lesson plan, to let my students know what they will be learning and doing in class I engaged with them and on track. Shared my lesson plan by writing a brief agenda on the board telling students explicitly what they will be learning and doing in class. Outlined on the board and gave out hand outs as their learning objectives for the class. Time can help students not only remember better but also follow the presentation and class activities. Visible agenda on the board will also help me and students stay on track. The first thing you can do is ask a question to gauge studentsââ¬â¢ knowledge of the subject or possibly, their preconceived ideas. For Example: How many of you have heard of Meditation? What can you share or experienced. If there was enough time prior to presentation date I would have had a chance to gather background information from the students via electronic survey or asking them to write comments, this additional information allows one to deliver, shape the introduction, learning activities and familiarise with the topic and I can then have a sense of what to focus on. The introduction topic must be stimulating, interesting and encourage thinking. To engage students I used a variety of approaches. Whilst introducing the topic mentally I began to check whether students know anything about the topic or have any preconceived ideas about it. What are some of the commonly held ideas or misconceptions about this topic meditation that students might be familiar with. What will I do to introduceà the topic? Planning the specific learning activities in the main body of the lesson. I prepared several different ways of explaining the material to catch the attention of more students and appeal to different learning styles, by giving out the hand outs, For Example: I talked about a personal incident in Meditation, an historical event, thought provoking dilemma, real world examples, a short music play, pictures to visualise, a statue to show posture in Mediation, a candle lit, quotes to probe questions. I began mentally estimating how much time I will spend on each examples and activities. Built in time for extended explanation or discussion, but quickly moved on to different applications or problems. I thought of questions such as What will I do to illustrate the topic in a different way? How can I engage students in the topic? What are some relevant real life examples, analogies or situations that can help students gain knowledge on the topic? What will students need to do to help them understand the topic better? Plan to check for understanding, check to see student understanding, how do I know the students are learning. Writing them down, paraphrasing them so that you can ask the question in a different style. Deciding on whether you want students to respond orally or writing. As a conclusion I should go over the material covered in class by summarizing the main points of the lesson. This can be done in a number of ways. For Example by saying, Today we talked aboutâ⬠¦.? as a student to summarize them or get them to write down on a piece of paper the main points covered. Reflecting on my lesson plan I found that after delivering my lesson plan it came across I could have been outstanding at delivering my plan if I had arranged most of my plan with a beginners, intermediate and advanced levels and the group did not get much time to do a group exercise. However this did not discourage me but instead it has encouraged me to reflect on what worked well and why, what I couldà have done differently, identifying successful and less successful class time. I thought I shall use more resources such as students feedback, peer observation, viewing a videotape of my teaching and consultation with my tutor. As a reflection this assignment provided me with a general outline of my teaching goals learning objectives and means to accomplish them. It has become a reminder of what I want to do and how I want to do it. In my opinion a productive lesson is not one in which everything goes exactly as planned, but one in which both students and the teacher learn from each other.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Ramji Bhai Vasava Essay
G.H.Patel Post Graduate Institute of Business Management, Vallabh Vidhyanagar, Anand In the undivided Bombay province was worked out to build earthen dams and problems faced while building a dam across the rivers Lokmata and Sadmata in northern Gujarat and further issues encountered while a proposal is made to raise the control levels of it. The objective of the case is to maximize the irrigation potential of the dam while respecting the religious sentiments of the people. The options are either to implement the former plan in its present form or the latter by convincing the people of its benefits and deal with the issues faced. The conclusion is to try and implement the new plan resulting in maximization of irrigation and revenues. PROPOSAL 1 PROPOSAL 2 Approximate cost ââ¬â 1.7 Approximate cost ââ¬â 1.9 Water impound ââ¬â 4700 Water impound ââ¬â5700 Full supply level -592 Full supply level-595 Highest flood level-596 highest flood level-606 OBJECTIVES * Government aim for economic development through agricultural development. * Build the dam PROBLEM * Opposition of people to temple getting submerged * People getting affected due to submerge of villages CONSTRAIN * Location of dam CRITERIA * Maximum irrigation * Minimum people affected * Maximum returns * Minimum time * Minimum cost PRIORITY * Minimum people affected * Minimum cost * Minimum time * Minimum returns * Maximum irrigation ALTERNATIVES * Convincing villages to shift temple * Resettlement of affected people * Raising height of the temple ACTION PLAN Government should follow proposal 1 as temple was saved using gates from flood so that minimum people are affected so the cost incurred is also low and the time required is minimum and also there is irrigation which leads to economic development. CONTINGENCY PLAN * Raising height of the temple * Go with proposal 2 if proposal 1 does not work
Friday, November 8, 2019
OPIUM essays
OPIUM essays Opium is a bitter, yellowish-brown, strongly addictive narcotic drug prepared from the dried juice of unripe pods of the opium poppy and containing alkaloids such as morphine, codeine, and papaverine. It is possibly one of the most versatile drugs known thank to its principle active ingredient, morphenine, opium deadens pain, produces elation, induces sleep and reduces distress. In the long history of opium use around the world, people in search of euphoria and well- being have managed to induce opium and its derivatives into the body in every way imaginable; in addition to being smoked, it has been drunk, eaten, sniffed, rubbed or injected. Whatever means is used to consume opium regularly is to risk forging an almost unbreakable and deadly bond. Opium is one of the most addictive and debilitating substances on earth, the opium addict or the person dependent to opium has been called slave, fiend or ghost. In the nineteenth century, opium was the prime ingredient in countless numbers of patent medicines that were used to quiet crying babies, calm frayed nerves and restore health to millions. Today, opium is classified as a narcotic, or opiate which are a group of painkilling drugs that produce a relaxed dreamlike state; moderately high doses often induce sleep. With opiates there is a clouding of consciousness without the reckless abandon, staggering, and slurred speech produced by alcohol and other depressants. Regular use of any of the narcotics can lead to a withdrawal syndrome different that of depressant and characterized by diarrhea, cramps, chills and profuse sweating. The purpose of this paper is to further define opium the poppy and the negative as well as positive effects of this drug. I will also attempt to retrieve the long history of the drug and the use of opium and include a brief summary of the infamous Opium Wars. I will conclude my paper with the history of laws against opium and dr...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Global Integration
Americaââ¬â¢s Political System The United States of America is considered to be a land where freedom reigns and all persons in this land are afforded equal opportunities in every facet of life. Such liberties exist because this country adheres to democratic ideals. America may not fit exactly into Aristotleââ¬â¢s definition of democracy, ââ¬Ëthe rule of the manyââ¬â¢, but it is no less democratic in that the people are represented by authoritative figures whom they elected. The word democracy is used here as a theory characteristic of those nations who choose to follow its principles. Democracy is also one of the five elements of Americaââ¬â¢s political system, the other four being liberty, equality, civic duty, and individual responsibility. Each of these five components significantly shape the intricacies of how this country operates on a daily basis, and are integral to preserving the freedom provided by it. To single out any of these elements would throw off the balance created by the compos ition of them. Despite this, it is my opinion that liberty, equality, and democracy are imperative to American life and the individuals living in this great country. Liberty has many definitions, varying in regards to the manner in which the word is used. However, each definition is overshadowed by a pervasive theme of freedom of choice. In reference to Americaââ¬â¢s political system, liberty is critically fundamental. American people hold their liberties in high esteem, with the conviction that they should have the capacity to do as they please, on the sole condition that no one gets hurt. Liberty has always been one of the core building blocks upon which this country stands, and it remains so today. With liberty, each individual is responsible for the consequences of their actions. It is only logical to take the position that, knowledgeable of the cause and effect of oneââ¬â¢s actions, that person will act in a manner conducive to the i... Free Essays on Global Integration Free Essays on Global Integration Americaââ¬â¢s Political System The United States of America is considered to be a land where freedom reigns and all persons in this land are afforded equal opportunities in every facet of life. Such liberties exist because this country adheres to democratic ideals. America may not fit exactly into Aristotleââ¬â¢s definition of democracy, ââ¬Ëthe rule of the manyââ¬â¢, but it is no less democratic in that the people are represented by authoritative figures whom they elected. The word democracy is used here as a theory characteristic of those nations who choose to follow its principles. Democracy is also one of the five elements of Americaââ¬â¢s political system, the other four being liberty, equality, civic duty, and individual responsibility. Each of these five components significantly shape the intricacies of how this country operates on a daily basis, and are integral to preserving the freedom provided by it. To single out any of these elements would throw off the balance created by the compos ition of them. Despite this, it is my opinion that liberty, equality, and democracy are imperative to American life and the individuals living in this great country. Liberty has many definitions, varying in regards to the manner in which the word is used. However, each definition is overshadowed by a pervasive theme of freedom of choice. In reference to Americaââ¬â¢s political system, liberty is critically fundamental. American people hold their liberties in high esteem, with the conviction that they should have the capacity to do as they please, on the sole condition that no one gets hurt. Liberty has always been one of the core building blocks upon which this country stands, and it remains so today. With liberty, each individual is responsible for the consequences of their actions. It is only logical to take the position that, knowledgeable of the cause and effect of oneââ¬â¢s actions, that person will act in a manner conducive to the i...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Wet amounts and Hanging Drops Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Wet amounts and Hanging Drops - Lab Report Example On the other hand, wet amount method comprises of a very tiny film of liquid sandwiched between a microscopic and a cover slip respectively (Pommerville& Alcamo, 2010). In the two cases, temperature generated from the lamp and concentrated on the slide by the condenser will start to destroy the bacteria within the shortest time possible. Notably, the light should not be on if there is nobody observing the slides. If the cells are not available shortly; a new slide should be made in order to measure motility precisely. Preparation of hanging drop: to perform this experiment, a small amount of Vaseline was placed at both ends of the cover slip using a small stick. A tiny wax pencil spot was also placed close to one corner to assist in focusing. A little drip of culture was then placed in the middle of the cover slip. For the Vaseline to be in touch with the slide and the depression to be above the culture drop, the depression slide was upturned over the cover slip (Pommerville& Alcamo, 2010). The slide was taken and overturned slowly and cautiously to ensure that the position of the culture drop does not change. This was meant to assist in making observations close to the edge of the culture drop and not in the middle. Preparation of wet amount: the preparation involved the creation of a single tiny drip of culture from numerous loopfuls. This was then followed by gripping a cover slide perpendicularly to the main slide while holding the opposite phase of the cover slide that does not have a drop. After that, the coverslip was gradually and cautiously joined with the main slide to ensure that the drip is equally distributed between the slide and coverslip (Pommerville& Alcamo, 2010). Notably, to prevent the coverslip from floating and complicating the process of focusing, only a small amount of liquid was required. Since it is not easy to observe unstained bacteria, using little water was
Friday, November 1, 2019
Financial Ratios Project Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Financial Ratios Project - Case Study Example The figure in Wal-Mart is lesser than one though higher than that in Target ( The receivables turnover ratio measures a companiesââ¬â¢ effectiveness in collecting debt. Targetââ¬â¢s ratio increases by a bigger margin than that of Wal-Mart over the three years. However, the receivables turnover ratio of Wal-Mart is still higher than that of Target. The inventory turnover ratio measures the effectiveness of a company in converting its inventory to sales. The ratio in Target decreases slightly over the three-year period while that in Wal-Mart increases. The asset turnover measures the managementââ¬â¢s effectiveness in utilizing the company assets to produce sales. This ratio increases by a bigger in margin over the three years in Target than in Wal-Mart though Wal-Mart still has a higher a ratio. The profit margin indicates how much profit is generated from a companyââ¬â¢s sales. This ratio fluctuates in Target over the three years while it remains constant with slight changes in Wal-Mart. Return on assets ratio measures a companyââ¬â¢s effectiveness in utilizing assets to generate profits. Targetââ¬â¢s return on assets ratio fluctuates over the three years. Wal-Martââ¬â¢s ratio is higher than that of Target despite it decreasing slightly. The return on equity measures a companyââ¬â¢s effectiveness in utilizing shareholder equity to generate profit. This ratio fluctuates in Target as it decreases slightly in Wal-Mart. Despite this, Wal-Mart ratio is still higher than that of Target ( The debt to assets ratio measures the leverage level of the company in relation to its assets. Targetââ¬â¢s debt to assets ratio is higher than that of Wal-Mart over the three years. Free cash flows ratio shows the amount of cash flow, which is attributable to the equity holders and debt holders of a company. The ratio fluctuates in both the companies though the one in Wal-Mart is higher. Times interest, earned ratio shows the ability of
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Practice Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Practice Analysis - Essay Example ity complex to the protagonist of ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m a Foolâ⬠, one may see that it demonstrates itself through the characterââ¬â¢s constant lying and his looking down on other people of the same background. For example, he calls other people who are dressed well ââ¬Å"common cattleâ⬠or ââ¬Å"yapsâ⬠. Driven by inferiority complex, the protagonist inflates his identity by treating himself with drinking whiskey and smoking an expensive cigar in a hotel for the rich. This complex makes him push a man who wears a Windsor tie and walks with a cane. It is also the driver of his condemnation of educated people (he himself is uneducated). Besides, what he says seems to be always aimed at looking important, which is also is a clear sign of inferiority complex. To illustrate, Sometimes now I think that boys who are raised regular in houses, and never have a fine nigger like Burt for best friend, and go to high school and college, and never steal anything, or get drunk a little, or learn to swear from fellows who know how, or come walking up in front of a grand stand in their shirt sleeves and with dirty horsy pants on when the races are going on and the grand-stand is full of people all dressed up.â⬠(Anderson 73). These views of the storyââ¬â¢s protagonist can be described as displays of rationalization. Specifically, rationalization in psychology is known to be a defense mechanism with help of which an individual attempts to find an explanation despite the fact it may be illogical at all in order to take advantage for events that played against him. For example, the character starts rationalizing that he is superior to the man according to his own philosophy: ââ¬Å"Things are as you think about themâ⬠. It means, in his view, people can be superior if they decide to be and other people can be inferior if only you think so. The most interesting example of rationalization is when over the years the protagonist looks back at what happened and tries to find an explanation why he lied.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Bartleby the Scrivener Essay Example for Free
Bartleby the Scrivener Essay In the course of the story the narrator describes the each characters however such is limited only to their performance in the workplace and none was revealed in their personal life. The narrator who is a lawyer in Wall Street keeps a company of three people, Turkey, Nippers, and Bartleby. Turkey, and English man who has a strange temperament that that the narrators likened to a sun rising in the morning rendering a calm atmosphere and becomes rather too hot in midday that lasts until dinner. Nippers on the other hand is the antithesis of Turkey. He is irritable in the morning and is rather calm in the afternoon. Aside from this, he also ââ¬Å"dresses like a gentlemanâ⬠as the narrator would put it in contrast to Turkey whose fashion statement is anything but appealing to the author (Melville, 1935). The narrator says he keeps Turkey and Nippers in his office because they efficient despite their mood swing. Perhaps they can be likened to the typical office clerks who got fed up with the monotony of their jobs that they have developed outburst as ways of coping. Nothing is revealed of their personal life but since they are described as efficient by the author, then there is the assumption that despite their mood swings and peculiar outbursts they are likable. On the case of Bartleby, on which the storyââ¬â¢s title is attributed, the narrator finds him rather odd. He is a copyist same as Nippers and Turkey however he refuses to do other things such as reading a file or sending mail. As the story ends it is revealed that he works for the Dead Letter Office and as the author puts it, Bartleby is ââ¬Å"prone to a pallid hopelessnessâ⬠and his work in the Dead Letter Office only cultivated his depression (Melville, 1935). Bartleby exhibits passive resistance which is connected to his detachment from society and his roles. It can be interpreted as his refusal to be a slave to the corporate world by doing what he wishes. Overall, he poses no threat to his Boss since he can choose to dispose him whichever way he pleases but his Boss exhibits a remarkable form of charity and pity towards him. He even offers his house for Bartleby to stay at. At the end of the story when he heard rumors of Bartlebyââ¬â¢s previous occupation he took pity on him and how his job has destroyed him.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The BMW Corporate Culture Essay example -- Business Analysis
When asked to describe the culture at BMW, to do that one must first give a few definitions of the word culture that would give the most accurate description. First would be ââ¬Å"The sum of attitudes, customs, and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people from another. Culture is transmitted, through language, material objects, rituals institutions which can be connected to motivation, and art, from one generation to the next.â⬠Motivated employees that show commitment to their tasks has proven to be a crucial factors that help to motivate employees to work in line with the goals and aspirations of the company. Secondly we would use ââ¬Å"Intellectual and artistic activity and the works produced by it.â⬠Thirdly one would use ââ¬Å"The behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group.â⬠At the German BMW Plant, employees there have the perception that their culture is quite unique because the atmosphere is very cheerful and friendly which allow everyone to be at ease with their work. The employees take pride in having the opportunity to express their opinions as well as their likes and dislike in their departmental meetings. BMW has proven to be a huge competitor in the auto industry with more than $60 billion dollars in sales, which is still much smaller than its American rivals. There are few companies that have been as consistent as BMW in integrating and producing its ever-changing product line, with its luxurious features and its unmistakable quality. Much of BMWââ¬â¢s highly rated success stems from an entrepreneurial culture that is rare in most corporations but is common in the ideology that the Germanys believe in. With diversity being a priority for the BMW Company still over three quart... ... one can be and making those around them be the best they can be as well. Also when one has a product that is second to none and one can be a part of a team that done so will give one a since of proud as that the BMW founders have in themselves and what they are able to build. Working in such an environment where diversity is what shows the people who they are and what they have done to make their product on the cutting edge of technology and performance will be an identity that one will be able to walk with your head held high knowing that they are the best. Works Cited Alvesson Mats & Berg Per Olof(1992). Corporate Culture and Organizational Symbolism. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter& Co Bang Henning(1999). Organisationskultur. Lund Studentlitteratur Hofsted, Geert(1991). Cultures and Organizations Software of the mind. McGraw Hill International UK
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Never Let Me Go: What it Means to be Human
Ishiguroââ¬â¢s novel is not really a science fiction story, because science fiction writers usually try to explain how the technology they write about (in this novel, cloning) works. Ishiguro just says that cloning and harvesting is taking place, without saying anything about how it works. Never Let Me Go is really about what it means to be human. The novel is narrated by Kathy, who used to be a student at Hailsham but is now a carer. A carer is a person who helps people through their donations. Kathy does not explain right away what a carer or a donor is, because finding that out is what the whole book is about. Kathy keeps talking about different memories she has from going to school at Hailsham and from growing up, and as she keeps talking, we start to understand what carers and donors are. The beginning of the book makes you think that the children at Hailsham are normal children, who go to classes, play sports, and even tease each other. They do not pick Tommy to play soccer with them, even though he is one of the best players, because he gets angry and makes playing no fun for anyone else. When Tommy is not picked, he responds like any normal child would: ââ¬Å"Then he began to scream and shout, a nonsensical jumble of swear words and insultsâ⬠(9). Tommy is also not creative, which makes the other children at Hailsham not like him because he never has anything to put in the Exchanges, which are the special times at the school where the children trade the different creative things they have made, like poems, sculptures, and paintings, and where the best things they make are selected to be taken out of the school to go to a special exhibit. The best things are taken away to the Gallery by Madame, a woman who visits the school occasionally and is ââ¬Å"afraid of us in the same way someone might be afraid of spiders. We hadnââ¬â¢t been ready for thatâ⬠(35). Madame is afraid of the children because they are clones, but the children do not know what they are yet, so they do not understand what she could be afraid of. During the first part of Never Let Me Go, the students at Hailsham keep hearing the guardians talk about how the children should know more, but they are not told what that means. When the guardians see a student, they always stop talking about what the children should know. Some of the guardians give the children hints about who they are, like when Miss Lucy tells them, ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s not good that I smoked. It wasnââ¬â¢t good for me so I stopped it. But what you must understand is that for you, all of you, itââ¬â¢s much, much worse to smoke than it ever was for meâ⬠(68). Because they will eventually be donors for people who need their organs, it would be especially bad for the children to smoke because smoking would damage their organs. Another time when they children get a hint of who they are is when Kathy is listening to her tape of ââ¬Å"Never Let Me Go.â⬠While she sings along with it and pretends she is dancing with her baby, she looks up and sees that Madame is watching her (71). Madame is crying, because she knows that Kathy will never be able to have a baby, but she runs away and does not say anything to Kathy. One day, Miss Lucy tells the children what they really are: ââ¬Å"Your lives are set out for you. Youââ¬â¢ll become adults, then before youââ¬â¢re old, before youââ¬â¢re even middle-aged, youââ¬â¢ll start to donate your vital organs. Thatââ¬â¢s what each of you was created to doâ⬠(80). No one is really surprised by what Miss Lucy tells them, because they have sort of known all along what they were going to be. Miss Lucy was just the first one to tell them directly. After the children leave the school and go to the cottages, they continue growing up like normal children. They have boyfriends and girlfriends, do their homework, talk, and fight with each other sometimes. The cottages are where they go when they are too old to stay at Hailsham but are not old enough to live in the real world or become donors yet. They do get to go on trips sometimes, and on one of these trips, Ruth, Kathyââ¬â¢s best friend, tries to find her ââ¬Å"possible,â⬠the person who is possibly the original person she was cloned from (139). When Tommy was still a student at Hailsham, Miss Lucy told him that it was not important that he was not creative or artistic, but later she told him that she had been wrong when she said that. Tommy ends up thinking that Miss Lucy meant that ââ¬Å"the thing about being from Hailsham was that you had this special chance. And if you didnââ¬â¢t get into Madameââ¬â¢s gallery, then you were as good as throwing that chance awayâ⬠(176). At this point in the story, the children think that if they are artistic, it will give them a chance to delay becoming donors. But since Tommy never got anything into the Gallery, he is afraid that he might have missed his chance. That is not why it was important for the students at Hailsham to be artistic, though. The best things the children made, the ones that were taken to the Gallery, were taken there because Madame wanted to show people on the outside that clones could make paintings and write poems, because she thought that if everyone saw what they could do, they would think the cloned kids were real people. This is most important point in the book. Ishiguro wrote Never Let Me Go to ask the question of what makes a human being a real person, and one of the things the book talks about is that if clones can be creative and make beautiful art, then maybe they are real people, because only real people can make beautiful things. When Tommy starts thinking about trying to delay when he becomes a donor, he starts making little drawings that he wants to show to Madame because he hopes that maybe it is not too late for him to show what he can do. At the end of Never Let Me Go, Tommy, Kathy, and Ruth try to find Madame because they think she can get the time when they have to start donating their organs pushed back. Ruth has already started donating, so she wants Tommy and Kathy to become a couple and ask for themselves. They find Madameââ¬â¢s house and go in, and they tell her that they are really in love. They also ask her about the gallery, and they tell her that they think the things they put into it could show her what they were really like. Madame tells them, ââ¬Å"Your art will reveal your inner selves! Thatââ¬â¢s it, isnââ¬â¢t it? Because your art will display your soulsâ⬠(254)! Madame stops talking then, and Miss Emily starts talking to Tommy and Kathy. Miss Emily was a guardian at Hailsham. She tells them that the rumor about getting a deferral is not true, and that for most people, the hope of getting a deferral is just ââ¬Å"something for them to dream about, a harmless little fantasyâ⬠(258) because they never actually try to find out if the dream is true. Another point Ishiguro makes about what is means to be human comes from this part of the book. He seems to be saying that wanting to find out what your purpose in life is, to dream about it and then to try and make your dreams come true, is part of what it means to really be human. When Miss Emily tells them that the purpose of the gallery was to try and prove that they really did have souls, Kathy asks, ââ¬Å"Why did we have to prove a thing like that, Miss Emily? Did someone think we didnââ¬â¢t have soulsâ⬠(260)? Kathy assumes that everyone thinks that they have souls even though they are clones, but Miss Emily tells her that now, no one thinks clones have souls, because ââ¬Å"all around the country, at this very moment, there are students being reared in deplorable conditions, conditions you Hailsham students could hardly imagine. And now weââ¬â¢re no more, things will only get worseâ⬠(261). Close to the end of the novel, after they leave Madame and Miss Emily, Tommy makes Kathy pull the car over. He gets out and Kathy goes after him, and she sees ââ¬Å"Tommyââ¬â¢s figure, raging, shouting, flinging his fists and kicking outâ⬠(274). He is shouting because he is so upset about what he has learned from Miss Emily, that no one thinks clones have souls or are real people. In a way, he does the same things at the end of the book that he does at the beginning, except that at the beginning, he was shouting and screaming because no one picked him for soccer, but now he is screaming because so many people think he is not a real person. When Tommy cries at the end of the book, and when Kathy tries to comfort him, you have to feel sad for everything they have gone through, and for what they have learned. They have acted like real people their entire lives, they have gone to school and drawn pictures and fallen in love, but now society is telling them that they are just clones and that their only purpose is to give up their organs. Ishiguro wants us to feel sad for Kathy and Tommy, and for all the clones, because he wants us to think that they are real people. If the clones really are there just so other people can have organs, then we should not feel bad for them. Itââ¬â¢s kind of like how most people do not feel bad for farm animals like cows and pigs when they are killed, because they think that the purpose of a cow or a pigââ¬â¢s life is to be killed so humans can eat them. But by showing us how real the things the students from Hailsham are, and how they things they go through are the same as what any normal person goes through, Ishiguro is saying that it is what you do and who you are, not why or how you were made, that makes you really human. Ã
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Primal Leadership Case Essay
The article Primal Leadership centres around emotional intelligence and the authors investigation into how a leaders mood or ââ¬Å"emotional styleâ⬠filters through the organisation and can affect the bottom-line results. If a leader is able to recognise this, they can monitor their own moods through self awareness, change them accordingly and act in the ways that will boost others moods which in turn will help the companyââ¬â¢s performance. Studies show that when a leader is in a happy mood then the people surrounding them view things in a more positive light. An upbeat environment fosters mental efficiency ââ¬â making people better at staying focussed, retaining information and therefore better at their jobs. Emotional intelligence affects the whole companyââ¬â¢s performance, so it would be easy to assume that a manager with a positive outlook or disposition would raise the companyââ¬â¢s performance. But emotional leadership isnââ¬â¢t just fake or putting on a game face every day, it is necessary to understand the impact you have on other employees as a leader. The more we act a certain way ââ¬â for example happy ââ¬â the more the behaviour becomes ingrained in our brain circuitry, and the more we will continue to feel and act that way. The key points made in Primal Leadership are covered by the authors in the five step program they recommend to help leaderââ¬â¢s achieve higher levels of emotional intelligence. This process is based on brain science rather than more traditional forms of coaching, and has been designed to help leaderââ¬â¢s rewire their brain towards these more emotionally intelligent behaviours. Step 1 ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Who do I want to be?â⬠This step asks the leader to picture the kind of leader they aspire to be and what that emotional leadership looks like. Step 2 ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Who am I now?â⬠This step is where the leader comes to terms with seeing their leadership style as others do, through receiving feedback from peers, bosses and subordinates. A key issue highlighted for this step is that as a society we tend to avoid talking about a leaderââ¬â¢s emotional style and its impact in case we are perceived as being ââ¬Ësoftââ¬â¢. Another key issue is that of resonance. How do leaders know if they have resonance within their organisation? Primal Leadership points out that employees donââ¬â¢t want to be the messenger for fear of being punished, and can often even feel as if it isnââ¬â¢t their place to confront a leader on this personal topic. So the way that they suggest CEOââ¬â¢s, managerââ¬â¢s and/or leaderââ¬â¢s get the full picture is through feedback from not only subordinates but also peers, bosses and mentors. Step 3 ââ¬â ââ¬Å"How do I get from here to there?â⬠The identification of the gap in emotional intelligence for the leader helps decide the action process of getting the leader from who they are now to the leader they aspire to be. Adapting in accordance with regular feedback, the leader can work on their mood and performance therefore affecting all the people they work with in a more positive way. Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee also state that leaderââ¬â¢s should look at areas outside of work to close the gaps in their emotional intelligence, for example coaching a sports team or volunteering. Step 4 ââ¬â ââ¬Å"How do I make the changes stick?â⬠Goleman, Boyatzis and Mc Kee explain that the way to lasting change and a leaderââ¬â¢s growth in emotional intelligence is rehearsing or even visualising the new behaviour until it becomes automatic or implicitly learnt. Imagining an activity or response in vivid detail can fire up the same brain cells involved in actually doing that activity. Step 5 ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Who can help me?â⬠The last step Primal Leadership recommends is the forming of a community of supporters. The authors emphasise how important it is to have these relationships and feedback from people you trust because these supporters are necessary in order to improve your emotional intelligence and help change leadership style. The bottom line in this case for me is emotional leadership is the spark that ignites a companyââ¬â¢s performance, and leaderââ¬â¢s need to understand how their mood is so influential to a businessââ¬â¢s success, and therefore a leaderââ¬â¢s most important task should be emotional leadership. It seems so obvious and full of common sense that advancing their emotional intelligence should be a leadership priority, and yet there are so many toxic work environments out there. Happy, positive moods might filter down from bosses to floor staff, but it will only result in happy people if the sentiments are genuine. In my opinion, leaderââ¬â¢s need to be aware that an overly enthusiastic, fake happy boss can be just as toxic to a work environment as a grouchy one. It is not often that someone is told how their current personal mood is affecting their job performance or the businessââ¬â¢s success ââ¬â especially in New Zealand, where the culture expects a ââ¬Å"toughâ⬠attitude and unfortunately the topic may be considered as ââ¬Å"softâ⬠. I know from personal experience how hard it is to give honest feedback to a terrible or intimidating boss, but if all leaderââ¬â¢s took the time to go through Goleman, Boyatzis and Mc Keeââ¬â¢s five step program and evaluate/improve themselves as leaders then there would be a lot more happy employees.
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